Mr. TG & Mr. AC ... this one's for you two!
let's just start off by saying, i love food. but not simply because it feeds my body, but rather, i love what food can do for your soul - bringing back childhood memories, creating new ones with family and friends. the conversations. the drinks. the laughter. the joy. that's what i really love about food. it's what happens in the presence of food.
i will be attempting to log some of my food expeditions here. i premise this by saying i'm no true food critic. you'll hear me say "that place is soooo gooooood!" or an occcasional "yummy!" ... what you won't see me doing is describing the succulent aromas with contrasting textures which creates a once in lifetime type of experience. no, not this girl. and although i will always try to include pictures when possible, half of my food is usually eaten by the time i remember to take a dang picture.
anyhow, enjoy, eat, be merry. if you don't hear from me for a while, no worries, i may simply be in a food coma. drop me a line and send some encouragement (in forms of chocolate candy)
ps. i really detest punctuation. probably because i'm not good at it. so, please, be warned. english teachers and grammar gurus, you're in for a bumpy ride!
pss. i think i have to say something to the effect of "this is my own personal opinion. anything expressed on this blog is purely my point of view and does not in any way representative of company, peers, family, friends, or my subconscious self."